Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yoga - The way of life

Students of Class V A displaying different moves of Yoga

Students of Yoga bringing glory to school by begging various certificates and prizes under the supeervision of Guide Teacher : Mr. Hemant Sharma.
Students of Class V A - Bhavya, Devanshi, Khushi, Sakshi, Satvik, Sneha, Shrishti, Urvashi and Zubia participated in CPR 10 Utsav on 6th April, 2013.  
Students also participated in Republic Day Celebration in the school.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Play Games While Learning Maths

Students go to CAL room and played various games related to the topics multiplication, data handling, Shapes and patterns and fractions.
Teacher instructing the students how to play.

Students playing, learning and enjoying the mathematical games.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Fun with Maths

Students are finding LCM of 4 and 5 by hopping on the number grid and getting the result 20 as LCM